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Wiley Wednesdays


To say I took a hiatus is an understatement. What a year, eh? Crazycakes, crazycakes, crazycakes. I hope you all are doing well, staying safe and healthy. My year/s/decades/who knows how long it's really been since the plague hit has been broken up in stages. There was the first stage, which involved quietly weeping in the shower and drinking too many adult beverages, followed by the Animal Crossing/Netflix/Hulu/Amazon/AppleTV marathon, and now it's in the still quarantining, but also writing stage. I actually never stopped writing. I did have to switch to shorter work, but I still continued to write. The one thing I haven't been able to do much of is read, which really bums me out but I am grateful for the writing.

I'm currently working on a young adult horror anthology. I hope to get it out before Halloween, but I still have several more short stories to write. In other words, we'll see. Luckily, I have five finished stories and all the rest I've picked out have been started, so I'm not writing from scratch. Anyway, that's me. Just trying to stay sane.

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